Blennerhassett Family Tree
Genealogy one-name study      by Bill Jehan
   Introduction      Key      Key to Sources (Bibliography)
Key to Sources
Sources 1 - Archives & Public Record Offices: 
THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES [NA] of the United Kingdom at Kew, London - also known as THE PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE [PRO] 
Chancery Records 
Calendar of State Papers (Domestic)
this excellent online resource enables downloading of some important [NA] document images, including wills proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury [PCC] between 1384 & 1858 
Feudal Aids 
Grants of subsidies or taxes to the Crown for extraordinary purposes, such as the knighting of the king's son, marriage of his daughter, or to ransom the king if he was captured 
Cal. Feudal Aids 
"Calendar of Feudal Aids preserved in the Public Record Office"
Fine Rolls 
A general term for the earliest rolls kept by the English royal chancery, these include "Close Rolls" and "Patent Rolls" 
Close Rolls 
Mandates, letters & writs of a private nature, addressed to individuals in the Sovereign's name; these Ms. were folded or closed then sealed on the outside with the Great Seal 
Cal. Close Rolls 
"Calendar of Close Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office"
Patent Rolls 
these Ms. were left open, with the seal hanging from the bottom; a.k.a. "Lists and Pleadings"
Cal. Patent Rolls 
"Calendar of Patent Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office"; a.k.a. "Calendar of Pleadings"
Pipe Rolls 
Charter Rolls 
Inquisition Post Mortem ("inquisition after death"), a.k.a escheats.
This was a local inquiry into lands held by a deceased person who had been a feudal tenant in chief (direct tenant of the crown), to establish what lands were held and who should succeed to them. The principal purpose was to discover what income and legal rights were due to the King. They survive from around 1240 until the Restoration in 1660, when feudal tenure was abolished. They are in no way connected with the modern medical post mortem, carried out after a suspicious death.

After the death of a tenant in chief, a writ (of 'diem clausit extremum') would be issued to the local escheator, the official responsible for taking possession of the dead tenant's estate. He would then convene a local jury and conduct an inquiry - usually a separate one was held in each of the counties where the deceased had held land. The earliest inquisitions are less detailed, but generally the information recorded would include the date when the tenant died, the names of the manors held and details of the services performed in return for them, and also the name, age and relationship of the heir (or of each coheir). The ages might well be approximate, particularly if given in 'round figures', and for older heirs; if the heir were a minor, however, accuracy would be important.

Inquisitions post Mortem for England and Wales are in three series, held at the [NA] :
i.p.m. series  
[NA] catalogue references
Chancery Series II  
C142/vol./membrane No.  
Exchequer Series II  
E150/file/membrane No.  
Court of Wards  
WARD7/vol./membrane No.  
Cal. Esch.
Calendar Escheator or "Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem preserved in the Public Record Office" 
Testa de Nevill 
a book of fee holders for the office of the exchequer, temp. Henry III & Edward I
HQ at Carlisle Record Office in Carlisle Castle: 
City of Carlisle papers 
Aglionby family papers 
Ballantine Dykes family of Dovenby Hall, papers 
Hough, Halton & Soal of Carlisle, papers 
Howard family of Corby, papers 
Huddleston papers 
Lawson family papers 
Lowther family of Lowther, Earl of Lonsdale, papers 
Musgrave family of Edenhall, papers 
Wybergh family papers 
Cumbria probate documents - wills, inventories, etc 
Cumberland Quarter Sessions, papers 
Whitehaven Branch Record Office: 
Curwen family of Workington Hall, papers
Kendal Branch Record Office: 
Browne family of Townend, Troutbeck, papers
Access to Archives online catalogue of provincial archives (excluding the NA) at the [NA] website
Arundel Castle Archives, West Sussex (Arundel Castle is the seat of the Duke of Norfolk)
The British Library, London 
Bodleian Library, University of Oxford 
Borthwick Institute for Archives, University of York (holds wills proved at the prerogative & exchequer courts of York between 1267 & 1858) 
Carlisle Local Studies Library, Carlisle, Co.Cumbria
Cambridge University Library 
Dorset Record Office, Dorchester, Dorset 
Essex Record Office 
Genealogical Office of Ireland, a.k.a. "Office of the Chief Herald", at [NLI]
Library of the Irish Genealogical Research Society, London 
Lichfield Record Office, Lichfield 
The National Library of Ireland, Dublin 
The National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth 
The National Archives of Ireland, Dublin - formerly known as "The Public Record Office of Ireland" [PROI]
The NAI website provides free image downloads of Irish census returns for 1901 & 1911
Note: The 1911 census is complete, the 1901 census is in progress
The National Archives of Scotland, Edinburgh 
Norfolk Record Office, Norwich 
Principal Probate Registry, London - has wills proved in England & Wales from 1858 
Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, Belfast 
Library of the "Church of Ireland" Representative Church Body, Rathgar, Dublin
Church of Ireland parish records, including many registers of birth, confirmation, marriage and burial, are archived here.
of particular interest for the Blennerhassett family are:
          P.458 Ballymacelligott, Co.Kerry - diocese of Ardfert - from 1817
          P.458 Ballyseedy, Co.Kerry - diocese of Ardfert - from 1817
          P.461 St.Anna, Blennerville, Co.Kerry - diocese of Ardfert - 1844-1849
Royal Irish Academy, Dublin 
Library of the Society of Genealogists, London - their library catalogue is known as SOGCAT 
Scotland's People, an admirable website enabling downloads of document images including scottish wills and church register entries 
Suffolk Record Office, Ipswich 
Shropshire Archives, Shrewsbury, Shropshire
of particular interest for the Blennerhassett family are:
 "Leighton Hall Collection", papers of the Browne family of Riverstown, Co.Cork, Ireland, belonging to Edward Francis Jemmett-Browne [JB], deposits 823 & 846 (uncatalogued - a typescript list, made before the documents left Leighton Hall, is held at SA).
Within this collection are a quantity of Blennerhassett family & Ballyseedy estate papers, in deposit 823: box 14 (all), box 18 (bundle 4), box 25 (bundle 19).
also a Ms. "Blennerhassett Notes, Chiefly Cumberland" relating to the Blennerhassett family in Cumberland & to Ballyseedy estate entail, by JB 1910; in deposit 823 box 28 [JB/2]
Sources 2 - Ecclesiastical Records: 
Records of the "Archivio Segreto Vaticano" (Vatican Archives, Vatican City, Rome) 
Records of the Carlisle Consistory Court, court of the Bishops of Carlisle
Wills and administrations in the Carlisle Diocesan Registers - these are at [CRO], Carlisle; Carlisle wills for 1353-1386 have been published in [TK] 
Diocese of Coventry & Lichfield, Chapter Act Books (originals at the cathedral, microfiche at [LRO]
Diocese of Coventry & Lichfield, Bishops' (Diocesan) Register 
Norwich Bishops' Registers at [NRO] ; the original index to [DN/REG] is [DN/REG17]
"Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae, or a Calendar of the Principal Ecclesiastical Dignitaries in England and Wales... from the earliest time to the year 1740" compiled by John Le Neve & T. Duffus Hardy (3 vols), Oxford University Press 1854
"Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541" by John Le Neve, vol.10 Coventry and Lichfield Diocese (p.8), compiled by B.Jones 
"Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1541-1857", vol.10 Coventry and Lichfield Diocese, compiled by Joyce M. Horn
"Faculty Office Registers 1534-1549: A Calendar of the first two registers of the Archbishop of Canterbury's Faculty Office" Oxford 1966
"Index Ecclesiasticus 1800-1840" by Joseph Foster 
Records of the Norwich Consistory Court, court of the Bishops of Norwich
Wills in the Norwich Diocesan Registers at [NRO] , Norwich 
"Institutions in the Diocese of Coventry and Lichfield 1480-1543 by Joel Arthur Lipkin 1979 p.98; typescript, a copy is at [LRO] ) 
Records of the Prerogative Court of Armagh, court of the Bishops of Armagh 
Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury (the Superior Ecclesiastical Court in England) cover the years 1384-1858. 
Probate records of the PCC and other diocesan courts were recorded as follows:
Wills, administrations & sentences proved in the diocese were copied into large books or "registers" held by the diocese, each register being given a name. A probate register may be a single bound volume or more than one volume.
Early probate registers take their name from the testator in the first will entered in that register.
Later probate registers take their name from the registrar of the time.
In a similar manner, Bishops' or Diocesan registers take their name of the Bishop of the time.
Each register is divided into several quires, a quire consisting of eight folios (i.e. 16 page sides) of manuscript, created by folding three times a single large sheet of vellum.
Quires were numbered as they were bound into the register, each register starting with quire No.1
The first folio only of each quire is marked with the quire No. as well as the folio No.
Scribes did not enter a new Will on a new folio but immediately followed the previously entered will, so a quire will often end in the middle of a will, that will continued in a subsequent quire.
a folio is both page sides of a single manuscript sheet, the front side called "recto", the reverse side called "verso" (the recto side is indicated e.g. as f.137 or f.137r, the verso side e.g. as f.137v)
PCC folios are numbered consecutively from the beginning to the end of the register, starting with folio No.1 of quire No.1;
folio numbers are identified on the recto side only (i.e. folio 186r is marked 186, folio 186v is unmarked)
The PCC "Probate Act Book" (PROB 8/1) is a contemporary Ms. index containing a brief description of every grant of probate made by the PCC 
PCC will ref.
PCC wills etc are identified by a reference such as 70 Cooke, folio: 173r-174v
this reference indicates the name of the register (Cooke) preceded by the number of the quire (70) within that register, followed by the individual folio numbers on which the will appears, this example being on folios: 173r, 173v, 174r, 174v
NA catalogue ref. 
PCC probate records are archived at the NA as the PROB 11 (probate 11) series of Ms.
The NA Catalogue Ref. for PCC probate records is e.g. PROB 11/7, with a "Documents OnLine" Image Ref. e.g. 302/225
PROB 11 indicates a PCC probate record, 7 is a NA reference catalogue number encompassing a series of quires within a particular register.
The Image Ref. identifies an individual digital photographic image (in .pdf format) of several consecutive folios within a quire
Published PCC administrations
"Acts of Administration in the PCC" vol.6, 1631-1648, British Record Society 1986
"PCC Administrations 1581-1595"
"PCC Administrations 1620-1630" 
Records of the Prerogative Court of Dublin, court of the Bishops of Dublin
Sources 3 - Books & Manuscripts: 
"Cambridge Modern History" by Lord Acton, 1907 
"The Book of the Agnews" by Mary Virginia Agnew, pub. by J.E. Caldwell, USA 1926
"Crickhowell Yesterday" by John Addis, vol.2, 1996, pub. by D.B. Brown & Sons, Cowbridge, South Glamorgan 
"The Abduction of a Limerick Heiress: Social and Political Relations in Mid-eighteenth Century" by Toby C. Barnard, Maynooth University Press 1998 
"Allerdale" - paper by T.H.B.GRAHAM in CWAAS New Series 1932 vol.32, pp.28-37 
Mss. of John Anstis the elder (1669-1744), Garter King of Arms from 1718, Norfolk Herald, antiquary & writer on heraldry) were sold at auction in 1768 and 1774 and are now widely dispersed. Some are held at the [BODLEIAN LIBRARY, OXFORD], some at [ALL SOULS COLLEGE, OXFORD] and some at the British Library [BL]. Those Ms. at the [BL] were acquired at different times from different sources, as a result they are not kept together as a coherent collection but are scattered within the library.
Francis Blomefield [BLOMEFIELD] in writing his "History of Norfolk" often refers to Mss. once in the possession of Anstis, using what appear to be Anstis' personal library shelfmarks, with folio numbers. Blennerhassett family references in the Frenze & Kenninghall sections include A 23 f.222, G 6 f.39, G.48, E 26 f.23 & f.29, and it would be helpful to locate the original Ms. for these particular references. It has not proved possible to map these references to present day [BL] Ms. & folio numbers, so need to try the Oxford locations.
It appears that [BLOMEFIELD] did not have access to the original [ANSTIS] Ms, instead relying on transcripts originally taken by Peter Le Neve [LE NEVE], who left a mountain of such transcripts on small slips of paper, organized topographically, and [BLOMEFIELD] used these extensively. Many of these have been lost but there remain sizable collections of these notes among the [FRERE Ms.] in the [NRO], of which [PAUL RUTLEDGE] has recently compiled a calendar.
[AR Ballyseedy bible]
Anne Rowan's transcription of family records entered in the "Old Bible" & "Red Bible" from Ballyseedy Castle, Co.Kerry - from [JGK]
Austin's "Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island", p.200 
"Alumni Cantabrigienses" by J.Venn & J.A.Venn, part I "From the Earliest Times to 1751", 1922, Cambridge University Press 
"The History of Ballymacelligott and it's People" 1997, published by Ballymacelligott Active Retirement Association
"Bath" by Edith Sitwell 
"Burke's Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited & Extinct Baronetcies" 
"Burke's Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited & Extinct Peerages" 1883 
"Transactions of the Bristol & Gloucestershire Archaeological Society" 
"Burke's Irish Family Records" 1976, republished 2007 (the Blennerhassett family, revised by genealogist Brian Fitzelle, is on pp.133-142)
This is the 5th edition of [BLGI], under a new name
"Boyd's Inhabitants of London" 
"Black Jack's Book", a valuable early Ms. genealogy of Blennerhassett and related families, was compiled by Capt. John "Black Jack" Blennerhassett of Castle Conway, Killorglin, Co.Kerry. This work was commenced, it is believed, while being held prisoner at Galway in 1689-1690 during the 'Williamite' wars, and completed c1736 shortly before he died c1738. Two of his original manuscripts survive, the later and more extensive, known as "Black Jack's Book", being transcribed by Kerry historians Arthur Blennerhassett Rowan c1855/8 and Mary Agnes Hickson c1870.
The first of these two versions was written in a notebook, reused as an account book by others sometime in the late 18th century. This document is held at [PRONI Ms. D680/3/1] catalogued as "Account book, with genealogical notes on the Blennerhassett family, relating to roads in the Ardraw area, Co.Kerry (late 18th C.)"
The second, more complete Ms. of "Black Jack's Book" was in 1858-1878 owned by his descendant John Hurley of Fenit House, Tralee (d.1878) and c1955 by John Hurly's great-nephew Maurice FitzMaurice Hurly.
John Hurly c1855/8 loaned the Ms. to Rev. Archdeacon Arthur Blennerhassett Rowan, DD of Belmont, Co.Kerry, the noted Co.Kerry historian, for him to transcribe; This is archived at [NLI Ms.5629] but was, and perhaps still is, misfiled & indexed as [NLI Ms. 4112])...
This second Ms. of "Black Jack's Book" was also (later) transcribed by Mary Agnes Hickson, another well-known Co.Kerry historian and genealogist, who published it first in her newspaper column "Old Kerry records" and later in "Selections from Old Kerry Records" [HICKSON/OKR vol.1, 1872, pp.33-108] as "The Blennerhassett Pedigree, A.D. 1580-1736".
Mary Hickson's handwritten transcription was in 1921 given by Rev. Sir H.L.L.Denny, another noted Co.Kerry genealogist, to the library of the "Society of Genealogists" [SOG] in London, where it has been rebound under the title "Black Jack's Book".
NOTE: Where differences exist between the two versions, Archdeacon Rowan's transcription is generally the more accurate. 
"The Bernards of Kerry" by J.H.Barnard, privately printed at the University Press, Dublin 1922 
"Boyd's London Burials" 
"Blennerville: Gateway to Tralee's Past" by Liam Kelly, Geraldine Lucid & Maria O'Sullivan, 1989
pub. by Foras Aiseanna Saothair, Tralee, Co.Kerry and The Blennerville Windmill Company Ltd, Tralee, Co.Kerry
"A Guide to Blennerville and the Dingle Peninsula" by Frank Blennerhassett with Sara Hollwey, 199?, pub. by Butler Sims Ltd, Dublin 199?
"Burke's Landed Gentry of Ireland" 1899, 1904, 1912, 1958 (the 5th edition of 1976/2007 was given a new title as [BIFR] )
"Essay towards a Topographical History of the County of Norfolk" by Francis Blomefield (1705-1752)
1st edition compiled 1739-1775 - vol.1 1739, vol.2 1745, vol.3 1769-75 (Frenze and Kenninghall are in vol.2, compiled c1745) and published 1781
2nd edition published in 11 volumes 1805-1810 (Frenze and Diss are in vol.1, published 1805)
"The Blennerhassetts of Kerry: Earlier English Stock” is a paper by S.M. that appeared in the “Kerry Archaeological Magazine”, vol.5 No.21 July 1919 pp.34-39 [KAM];  this is a summary of a 37 page (not 50 page as stated in the paper) Ms. by Suffolk antiquarian David Elisha Davy [DAVY] supplied to S.M. by Kerry historian (and architect of the 1880s remodelling of Ballyseedy House) James Franklin Fuller - who was S.M. ?
"Monumental Brasses and Slabs" by Rev Charles Boutell, 1847 
"Burke's Peerage, Baronetage & Knightage", 107th edition 2003, the Blennerhassetts on pp.399-400 
"Britannia" by <???> 
"Old Blunderhazard" by Ivan Bunn, in "Lantern Magazine" No.26/27, 1979 
"Castle Caldwell" by David Andrew Caldwell 
"Families of Calthorpe & Calthrop" 3rd edition 
Arthur Campling (1892-1947) Collection, Mss. 291-292, at the "Society of Genealogists", London [SOG]
"Calendar of Entries in the Papal Registers relating to Great Britain & Ireland, Papal Letters"; vol.21, Leo X Lateran Registers, part 2.
ed. by Mrs Anne P. Fuller; awaiting publication by the Irish Manuscripts Commission, Dublin [IMC]
"Church Heraldry of Norfolk" by Edmund Farrer 1885-93 (9 vols) 
"Cyclopedia of Music and Musicans" 
"The Manors of Suffolk: Notes on their History and Devolution" by W.A. Copinger (7 vols) 
"A Dictionary of Suffolk Arms" by J.Corder 1965 
“Engravings of Sepulchral Brasses in Norfolk and Suffolk” by John Sell Cotman (1782-1842) (vol.1 Norfolk 1838, vol.2 Suffolk 1838)
Two Ms. vols (Caligula, B. vols II & III) in the Cottonian Library at [BL]; mainly correspondence relating to the border between England & Scotland c1512-1537 (temp. Henry VIII) 
"Corporation Plate of England & Wales" by Jewitt & Hope, 1895 
"Calendar of Suffolk Wills" 
"The Blennerhassetts of  Kesh" by John B. Cunningham, pub. in "Cloher Record" vol.16, No.3, 1999, pp.112-126 
The Curwens of Workington Hall, a paper by William JACKSON in [CWAAS] New Series 1905 vol.5, part.1 p.181, part 2 p.311;
reprinted in "Papers & Pedigrees Relating to Cumberland & Westmorland" by William JACKSON vol.1 (of 2 vols) 1892 pp.288-293 
"Transactions of the Cumberland & Westmorland Antiquarian & Archaeological Society" (journal); Old Series vols 1-16 (1866-1900), New Series vols 1-100 (1901-2000), Third Series from vol.1 (2001) onwards.
of particular interest for the Blennerhassett family are: [GRAHAM], [LB] & [TH]
"An Account of the most Considerable Estates and families in the County of Cumberland, from the Conquest to the Reign of King James [the first]"
Ms. by John Denton of Cardew, c1610; published Kendal 1887, [CWAAS] Tract Series No.2, ed. by Richard S. FERGUSON
"A Perambulation of Cumberland, 1687-8, including descriptions of Westmorland, the Isle of Man & Ireland" by Thomas Denton; Cumbria Record Office [CRO Ms. D/Lons/L12/4/2/2] ); pub. 2003, Surtees Society vol.207, ed. by Angus J. L. Winchester & Mary Wane
"Ante-Bellum Days in St. Louis" by Deborah Isaacs (pen name of Theresa Martin Blennerhassett-Adams) 
"Paston Letters & Papers of the 15th Century" ed. by Norman Davis (vol.1 1971, Blennerhassett refs: pp.456-7, 589-90; vol.2 1976) 
Ms. notes by Suffolk antiquarian David Elisha Davy in the Davy Collection at the British Library.  The Davy Collection of Suffolk Mss. at the British Library [BL Add. Ms. 19077-19247] is the result of many years labour, compiled in anticipation of publishing a definitive History of Suffolk that sadly remains unpublished).  The collection contains the most extensive compilation of Suffolk Pedigrees ever assembled. They were compiled c1840-1850 from extensive walking tours of Suffolk c1823-1844, during which he kept a diary, "A Journal of Excursions through the county of Suffolk, 1823-1844" by David Elisha Davy, published 1982 for the Suffolk Records Society by the Boydell Press, Woodbridge, Suffolk.
Davy's notes on the manor of Barsham are at [BL Add. Ms. <???> ]
Davy's Blennerhassett family notes (37 pages, not 50) are at [BL Add. Ms.19118 ff.348r-367v] this Ms. being summarised as "The Blennerhassetts of Kerry: Earlier English Stock” [BOK] by S.M. in “Kerry Archaeological Magazine”, vol.5 No.21 July 1919 pp.34-39 [KAM].
This material is good for Norfolk & Suffolk Blennerhassett material but his brief Cumberland Blennerhassett data is unreliable.
"Debrett's Illustrated Baronetage", many editions
"A Dictionary of English and Welsh Surnames" by Charles Wareing Bardsley 1901, p.110
Doug Gray, California - Hassett/Blennerhassett family tree of Caragh Lake, Killorglin (unpublished)
Numbers such as [DG 163] are individual person identifiers used by DG
"Dictionary of National Biography", various editions 
"Fifty Years Along the Doghide 1905-1955: A History of the Development of Tisdale and District"
published for Saskatchewan's Golden Jubilee, Canada 1955  
"Dublin Journal of Medical Science" 
"Antiquities of Warwickshire" by Sir William Dugdale 1656, 2 vols (vol.1 pp.42-43, vol.2, p.943) 
"East Anglian Pedigrees" by Arthur Campling 1939 
"The East Anglian Miscellany" series (journal, 41 editions), 1911, 1913 & 1933-1943 
<???> by Evans & Schull 
"Fairbairn's Crests of the Families of Great Britain and Ireland" revised by Laurence Butters, London 1860, 1911, 1968, 1986 (2 vols.) 
"Some Feudal Coats of Arms from Heraldic Rolls 1298-1418" by Joseph Foster, Crecy Books, 1902 
"History of Cumberland" by Richard S. Ferguson 1890 (President of [CWAAS]
"History of Killorglin" by Kieran Foley 1988 
"The Baronetage and Knightage of the British Empire" by Joseph Foster, 1881 (2 vols.), p.51
Foster's "Royal Descents" by Joseph Foster, 2 vols. 1887
Ferguson scrapbook: "Collection of Newspaper Cuttings and Other Articles" by Richard S. FERGUSON; at [CLS 2F FER, accession No. 8093]
"Fifty-two Years a Policeman" by Sir William Nott-Bower, pub. Edward Arnold & Co., London 1926 (Ch.3, "Royal Irish Constabulary" pp.26-39)
"Paston Papers" by Gardner (Blennerhassett refs: vol.3 pp.81-83) 
"The Gentleman's Magazine" (periodical, the first ever "Magazine" in the modern sense of the word)
pub. 1731-1907 by Edward Cave (1691-1754), editor and publisher and printer, under his pen name "Sylvanus Urban"
"The Gentleman’s Magazine; or, Monthly Intelligencer" vols.1-5 Jan.1731–Dec.1735
"The Gentleman’s Magazine; and Historical Chronicle" vols.6-77, Jan.1736–Dec.1807;
New series vols.78-103 Jan.1808–Dec.1833
New series vols.1-45 1834–56
New [third] series. Vols.1-19 1856–65
New [fourth] series. vols.1-5 1866–8
Entirely new series [ed. by Gowing, Hatton, Joseph and Knight]. vol.1, 1868-1905
Latest series by A.H.Bullen, Feb.1906-Sep.1907
"Death and the Impenitent Avaricious King: A Unique Brass Discovered at Frenze, Norfolk" by John A.Goodall, pub. in "Apollo" Magazine of the Arts, July 1987, pp.264-6 
three papers by T.H.B. Graham:-
"Great Orton" in [CWAAS] New Series 1932 vol.32 pp.38-44
"Landed Gentry, 2. Blennerhassett of Carlisle" in [CWAAS] New Series 1932, vol.32 pp.49-54
"The Family of de Mulcaster" in [CWAAS] New Series 1918, vol.18 pp.110-124
"Ancestry of Gospatric, Lord of Workington" paper by  MichaelAnne Guido 2005  
"Record of the House of Gournay" by David Gurney 1858  
Sir Richard Griffith's Griffiths' Valuation of Ireland, generally known as "Griffith's Valuation of Ireland" 1848-1864
For Survey dates by County see Key to Dates
"A Manual of Monumental Brasses, etc. by Herbert Haines, 1861, reprinted 1970 (2 vols) 
"Hayes Manuscript Sources for the History of Irish Civilization", copy at [NLI] 
"The Hibernian Chronicle" newspaper 
"Pedigree of the Heigham Family" by Charles William Heigham
"Old Kerry Records", local history series by Mary Agnes Hickson, prominent Kerry historian & genealogist, published in the "Kerry Evening Post" newspaper from <???> to <???>.
Some of these items were later re-published in "Selections from Old Kerry Records, Historical and Genealogical" by Mary Agnes Hickson, vol.1 1872, vol.2 1874 
"Ireland in the 17th Century, or: The Irish Massacres of 1641" by Mary Agnes Hickson, 1884 
St.John's graveyard, Oak Park (Oakview Cemetery), Tralee.
Her age should be 88 years, not 73.
photo: courtesy of "Kerry Kate" Coburn
"Historical Genealogical and Architectural notes of some Houses of Kerry" by Valerie Bary 1994 
"A History of Northumberland" issued by the Northumberland County History Committee 1930 
House of Commons 1213-1702", also 1439-1509, 1509-1558, 1558-1603, pub. by "History of the Parliament of England Trust" 
"A History of Northumberland" by John Crawford Hodgson (vol.7) Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1904 
<???> by Howard 
"Harrogate Records" by Walter J. Kaye, 1923  
"County and Court: Government and Politics in Norfolk, 1558-1603" by Professor A. Hassell Smith, 1974 
"Hudibras, in three parts, written in the time of the late wars" by Samuel Butler (new edition Glasgow 1763)
"Cumberland Families & Heraldry" by C.R.Huddleston & R.S.Boumphrey 1978 p.28 pub. by [CWAAS] 
"History of Cumberland" by William Hutchinson (2 vols) Carlisle 1794 (reprinted 1874) 
"History of the Roman Wall" by William Hutton, 1802/1813  
"International Genealogical Index" - a database of genealogical records, compiled from several sources, and maintained by the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints (Mormons), available online and on microfiche  
"The Irish Times" or the "Weekly Irish Times" newspapers 
a sketch Blennerhassett pedigree from William Jackson's collection of Cumberland Ms. at Carlisle Local Studies Library (previously at Tullie House Library, Carlisle)
Jackson Ms, Sundry Pedigrees (BB) Bundle B XXV (also microfiche 2 of 4); NOTE: see also [TH] and [PPCW]
"Blennerhassett Pedigree", leather bound volume of Ms. pedigrees and notes on the Blennerhassett family by Edward Francis Jemmett-Browne of London & Leighton Hall, Shropshire, completed 1911 ** add more here
bound Ms. "Blennerhassett Notes, Chiefly Cumberland" by Edward Francis Jemmett-Browne of London & o Leighton Hall Shropshire, 1910; on the Blennerhassett family in Cumberland and the Ballyseedy estate, Co.Kerry entail.
in the "Leighton Hall Collection" (deposit 823, box 28) at Shropshire Archives, Shrewsbury [SA]
The content of these notes is also to be found within [JB/1]
"The History and Antiquities of Carlisle" by Samuel Jefferson, 1838 
John Gerard Knightly, historian & genealogist for the Godfrey family, Ireland
"The Kerry Archaeological Magazine", organ of the Kerry Archaeological Association, founded in October 1907.
No.1 Oct-1908, No.2 Apr-1909, No.3 Oct-1909, No.4 Apr-1910, No.5 Oct-1910, No.6 Apr-1911, No.7 Oct-1911, No.8 Apr-1912, No.9 Oct-1912, No.10 Apr-1913, No.11 Oct-1913, No.12 Apr-1914, No.13 Oct-1914, No.14 Apr-1915, No.15 Oct-1915, No.16 Apr-1916, No.17 Oct-1916, No.18 Apr-1917, No.19 Oct-1917, No.20 Apr-1918, Vol.5 No.21 Jul-1919 - this contains [BOK], Vol.5 No.22 Jul-1920
"The Last of the Blennerhassetts" in "Forty Norfolk Essays" by R.W. Ketton-Cremer, 1961 
"A General History of the Kemp and Kempe Families of Great Britain..." by Fred. Hitchin-Kemp 1902 (Section 2 pp.21-22) 
"Kerry Evening Post" newspaper, Tralee
History of Kerry" by Jeremiah King
         1st edition, in 6 parts, 1907-12 by J. & E. King
         2nd edition, c.1912-25 by J. & E. King
         3rd edition, 1931 titled "County Kerry, Past and Present" by J. King (reprinted 1986, Mercier Press) 
Journal of the "Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society" ("Cumann Seandálaíochta is Staire Chiarraí"), founded in 1967, based at Kerry County Library, Moyderwell, Tralee, Co. Kerry - see also [KM2]
series 1 - No.1 1968, No.2 1969, No.3 1970, No.4 1971, No.5 1972, No.6 1973, No.7 1974, No.8 1975, No.9 1976, No.10 1977, No.11 1978, No.12 1979, No.13 1980, No.14 1981, No.15-16 1982/3, No.17 1984, No.18 1985, No.19 1986, No.20 1987, No.21 1988, No.22 1989, No.23 1990, No.24 1991, No.25 1992, No.26 1993, No.27 1994, No.28 1995, No.29 1996, No.30 1997 (this contains an Index to series 1 Nos 1-29)
series 2 - vol.1 1998, vol.2 2003, vol.3 2003, vol.4 2004, vol.5 2005, etc
"The Kerry Magazine: A Monthly Journal of Polite Literature" pub. by Archdeacon Arthur Blennerhassett Rowan, Tralee, Co.Kerry
vol.1 issue No.1, 1-Jan-1854 to No.12, 1-Dec-1854
vol.2 issue No.13, 1-Jan-1855 to No.24, 1-Dec-1855
vol.3 Issue No.25, 1-Jan-1856 to No.36, 1-Dec-1856
Journal of the "Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society" ("Cumann Seandálaíochta is Staire Chiarraí"), founded in 1967, based at Kerry County Library, Moyderwell, Tralee, Co. Kerry - see also [KHAS]
No.1 1989, No.2 1990, No.3 1991, No.4 1992/3, No.5 1994, No.6 1995, No.7 1996, No.8 1997, No.9 1998, No.10 1999, No.11 2000, No.12 2001, No.13 2002, No.14 2003, No.15 2005, No.16 2006, N0.17 2007, No.18 2008, No.19. 2009, etc
"The Knights of Glin: A Geraldine Family" by Rev. J. Anthony Gaughan, Kingdom Books, Mount Merion, Co.Dublin 1978
"Ten Years of Gentleman Farming at Blennerhasset" by William Lawson, reprinted in "Experiments in Agriculture, Physical and Social" by John Ludlow, "Good Words" magazine, London 1875.
The experiences of 19th century philanthropist William Lawson of Brayton, Co.Cumberland, who experimented in using a worker's cooperative to run his farm at Blennerhasset. This experiment had notable successes, but was eventually terminated because Lawson overruled some of the workers' decisions and they didn't appreciate him interfering with their policies.
"The Manor & Advowson of Great Orton from 1369" by Rev. C.M. Lowther Bouch in [CWAAS] New Series 1940 v.40 pp.46-55 - continuation of "Great Orton" paper by [GRAHAM] 
"The Lowthers of Great Orton" by Rev. C.M. L Bouch, in [CWAAS] New Series 1940  pp.60-67+
Peter Le Neve (1661–1729), English herald and antiquary. Rouge Dragon Pursuivant, Norroy King at Arms, Richmond Herald of Arms, Fellow and first President of the Society of Antiquaries of London, Fellow of the Royal Society.
Among his Ms. is: "Collections for a History of Norfolk and Suffolk" with Ms. additions by Thomas Martin [SUFFOLK RECORD OFFICE, Ipswich: HD 1538/32, NRA 39544]
"London Inhabitants within the Walls 1695" pub. by the London Record Society 1966
"London Marriage Licences 1521-1869" ed. by Joseph Foster, 1887 
"A List of Norfolk Brasses" by Edmund Farrer 
[Lond. Gazette] 
"The London Gazette" 
"Blennerhassett Island in Romance and Tragedy" by Minnie Kendall Lowther; Tuttle Publishing Co., Rutland, Vermont 1936 & 1939, reprinted 1974
LYSONS Magna Britannia
"Magna Britannia: being a Concise Topographical Account of the Several Counties of Great Britain" by Rev. Daniel Lysons & Samuel Lysons, v.4 Cumberland, 1816
"Ballyseedy Wood" by Russell McMorran; paper published in "The Kerry Magazine", No.3, 1991, pp.21-23 [KM2]
reprinted in "The History of Ballymacelligott and it's People", pp.141-143 [BALLYMACELLIGOTT] 
"Medical Directory for Ireland" 
"Norfolk" by Arthur Mee, 1940, 1972; in "The King's England" series of English County topography books
"Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica" 
"Blennerhassett Island in Romance & Tragedy" by Minnie Kendall Lowther, 1936 & 1939, pub. by The Tuttle Publishing Co. Inc., Rutland, Vermont, USA
"Musgrave's Obituaries Prior to 1800" 
"Memorials of Old Norfolk" by H.J. Astley, 1908 
"The History and Antiquities of the County of Essex" by Philip Morant (2 vols) vol.1 1763, vol.2 1768, reprinted 1978  
"Blennerhassett Family Arms" by G. Andrews Moriarty, pub. in [NEHGR] vol.98 No.1 Jan.1944 (whole number 389) pp.67-73
“Genealogical Research in England - East Anglian Blennerhassets” by G. Andrews Moriarty, pub. in [NEHGR] vol.98 No.3 July 1944 (whole number 391) pp.271-279

"The Ancestry of John Throckmorton of Providence" by G. Andrews Moriarty
pub. in [NEHGR] vol.98 No.1 Jan.1944 (whole number 389) pp.67-73 & April 1944 No.2 (whole number 390) pp.115-123 
"National Burial Index for England and Wales"   
"The History and Antiquities of Westmorland and Cumberland" by Joseph Nicolson & Richard Burn (2 vols) 1777 
"Norfolk Antiquarian Miscellany (3 vols. each of 2 parts) by Walter Rye 
"The Guide to Norfolk Churches" by D.P.Mortlock & C.V.Roberts 
"The New England Historical and Genealogical Register", Boston, Massachusetts, USA (journal)
"Norfolk Families" by Walter Rye 
"Norfolk Ancestor" journal of the "Norfolk & Norwich Genealogical Society" (founded 1968)  
<???> by Norris 
"Norfolk Pedigrees" by Patrick Palgrave-Moore and Michael J Sayer, 1974 
"Notes & Queries" (periodical)
1st Series 
vol.I 1842 – vol.XII 1855  
2nd Series 
vol.I 1856 – vol.XII 1861 
3rd Series 
vol.I 1862 – vol.XII 1867 
4th Series 
vol.I 1868 – vol.XII 1873 
5th Series 
vol.I 1874 – vol.XII 1879 
6th Series 
vol.I 1880 – vol.XII 1885 
7th Series 
vol.I 1886 – vol.XII 1891 
8th Series 
vol.I 1892 – vol.XII 1897 
9th Series 
vol.I  Jan-Jun1898 – vol. XII  Jan-Jun1903 
10th Series 
vol.I  Jan-Jun1904 – vol. XII  Jan-Jun1909 
11th Series 
vol.I  Jan-Jun1910 – vol. XII  Jan-Jun1915 
12th Series 
"East Anglian Notes & Queries" (journal) 
Norfolk Record Society publications (many volumes) 
“O'Kief, Coshe Mang, Slieve Lougher & Upper Blackwater etc” by Dr.A.E. Casey (16 vols) 1952-1971 
"The Oxford Dictionary of English Place-Names" 1960  
"Irish Pedigrees, or the Origin and Stem of the Irish Nation" by John O’Hart, 1876 & later 
"Recollections of the Life of John O'Keeffe: written by himself", by John O'Keeffe
in two parts ["The New Monthly Magazine"; part 1 April 1826, vol.16 No.64, pp.345-360; part 2 <???>],
also  pub. in 2 vols. by H.Colbourn, London 1826  
"Elegy on the Death of John Blennerhassett", dedicated to "...John, son of John, son of John of Ballyseedy..." 1709 , by Gaelic poet Aodhagan O'Rathaille (Egan O'Rahilly; d.c1729); included in "Poems by Egan O'Rahilly" reprinted by "The Irish Text Society" 1911
"Early History of Loudham Hall to the mid 17th Century" by Joan M. Peck, local historian for Pettistree, Suffolk (in progress March 2006)
"The Fermanagh Story" by Peadar Livingstone 1969 
"The Papers of Nathaniel Bacon of Stiffkey" 4 vols, pub. by the Norfolk Record Society
"The Place Names of Cumberland" part 2; pub. by The English Place-name Society, vol.21, 1943-44  
"Papers & Pedigrees Relating to Cumberland & Westmorland" by William JACKSON, 2 vols. 1892;
Disappointingly, this has little on the Blennerhassett family 
"Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy" 
"Index to the Prerogative Wills of Ireland" 1897 
"The Royal Descents of 500 Immigrants" by Gary Boyd Roberts, p.263 
<???> by Rymer vol. xvi p.560  
"St. Andrew's Church, Frenze, Norfolk" - church guide booklets 1996 & two earlier editions 
"Solihull and its Church" by Rev Robert Pemberton (Assistant Curate of Solihull) Exeter 1905 (pp. 26,68,80,131) 
"The Parish Church of Saint Hippolytus, Ryme Intrenseca, Dorset", 1984 & 2003 (Church Guide booklet)
"Proceedings of Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and Natural History " (journal) 
"Throckmorton Family History, being records of the Throckmortons in USA with cognate branches, etc..." by Frances Grimes Sitherwood (Pantograph; Bloomington, Illinois 1929) 
St.John's Ashe Street, Tralee - Church Guide 
"A List of Suffolk Monumental Brasses" by Edmund Farrer, 1903 
"Historical & Genealogical Notes relating to St.Margaret's Ch. & to the Skottowe & Blennerhasset Families" 1559, [NRO PD 153/105] - not yet seen 
"Ships of the Old Navy" at website
A history of the sailing ships of the Royal Navy by Michael Phillips, resurected by Patrick Marioné
"Kilcolman Parish Registers 1793-1814 & 1824-1900 Co.Kerry, Church of Ireland, with sections from Killorglin, Aglish, Kiltallagh, Knockane, Molahiffe" ed. by Jane V. Spring 2003 
"Historical Notes by W.T. Spurdens" by Rev. William Tynley Spurdens (b.1776 d.1852) of North Walsom, Suffolk
[NRO Ms.4576, Blennerhassett on p.139A, p.241, p.252]
he also wrote "A Topographical and Historical Description of the County of Suffolk" published 1839
<???> by Stephenson 
"The History and Antiquities of the County of Suffolk: with genealogical and architectural notices of its several towns and villages" (vol.1 1846, vol.2 1848) by Rev. Alfred Inigo Suckling (1796-1856)
"Some Notes on Barsham Juxta Beccles, Co.Suffolk" by Florence Horatia Nelson Suckling, first published in parts in ["The Genealogist" New Series vols 21/22/23, 1905/1906/1907, with an additional note in vol.23 1907 pp.135-6]
[TG] [NRO Ms.4576 Blennerhassett p.252]
"Tralee Chronicle" newspaper 
Terrence (Publius Terentius Afer), "Phormio" vol.1, 4, f.20 (or f.26?); Carthaginian born Roman comic poet and source of many quotes, including "Fortes Fortuna Adjuvat" ("Fortune Favours the Bold" or "Fortune Favours the Brave"), later adopted as family motto by the Blennerhassetts
Thomas Jenyn's Roll, Queen Margaret's version, temp. Edward III (1327-1377)
[BL Add. Ms. 40851] [Boos TJ] [FCA] [HUDDLESTON p.28] [TG vol.5 p.98]

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