Roman proverb
Blennerhassett family motto
"Fortes Fortuna Juvat"
often translated as:
"Fortune favours the brave"
"Fortune favours the bold"
(favors in USA) |
the proverb began as
I & J in the Latin alphabet being the same letter, as are U & V
variations of the proverb may contain:
from which came Fortitude (strength or bravery in withstanding)
from which came Audacity (daring or boldness in adventure)
"fortis Fortuna juvat"
"fortes Fortuna juvat"
"fortis Fortuna adjuvat"
"fortes Fortuna adjuvat"
"fortibus Fortuna favet"
"Fortuna favet fortibus"
"audentis Fortuna juvat"
"audentes Fortuna juvat"
"juvat Fortuna audentes"
"audaces Fortuna juvat"
"Fortuna audaces juvat"
"audaci Fortuna favet"
"audaci favet Fortuna"
"Fortuna favet audaci" |
The Greek lyric poet Simonides of Ceos (c556BC - 468BC) is credited with this proverb by
Claudian (Claudius Claudianus c370AD - c404AD) who in "Epistola ad Probinum", Epistolae 4.9
writes: "Fors iuvat audentes, prisci sententia vatis"
(Fortune helps the bold, as sang the poet of Ceos)
but earliest definite usage of the proverb is by Ennius and Terence as below:
Ennius (Quintus Ennius 239BC - 169BC)
in "Annales" (Annals) book 7 line 233 [sometimes 257],
writes: "fortibus est Fortuna viris data" (Fortune is given to brave men)
and in "Annales" (Annals) book 7 line 59
writes: "bene sperare iubentes, fortes fortunam adiuvare aiebant"
(...that they hoped for, that Fortune favours the brave)
Ennius is quoted by Macrobius (Macrobius Ambrosius Theodosius, early 5th century AD)
in Saturnalia, book 6 chapter 1 line 62
Dramatist Terence (Publius Terentius Afer 195BC - 159BC)
in his comedy "Phormio" (a.k.a. Formio) act 1, scene 2, line 203 [sometimes 1,4,25]
writes: "tanto magis te advigilare aequom'st: fortis Fortuna adiuvat",
often quoted as: "fortes Fortuna adjuvat" (Fortune favours the brave)
Cicero (Marcus Tullius Cicero 106BC - 43BC) in "Tusculan Disputations" 2.4.11
cites this saying of Terence as already "an old proverb":
enim non modo Fortuna adiuvat, ut est in vetere proverbio"
Virgil (Publius Virgilius Maro 70BC - 19BC) in his Aeneid (book 10, lines 284 & 458)
has the phrase "audentis fortuna iuvat" (Fortune aids those daring)
shouted by Turnus (King of the Rutuli and chief antagonist of the hero Aeneas)
as the battle turns and Turnus begins the charge against Aeneas' Trojans.
often quoted as: "audentes Fortuna iuvat" or "audaces Fortuna iuvat".
Tibullus (Albus Tibullus c54BC - 19BC) in book 1 No.2 line 16, replaces Fortune with Venus, writing:
"audendum est: fortes adiuvat ipsa Venus" (be daring: Venus herself aids the brave)
Ovid (43BC - 17BC) in The Fasti, book 2, lines 781-783, writes:
" 'exitus in dubio est: audebimus ultima' dixit:
'viderit! audentes forsque duesque iuvat.
cepimus audento Gabios quoque' "
("The issue is in doubt: we'll dare the utmost" said he.
"Let her look to it! God and fortune help the daring.
By daring we captured Gabii too.")
Ovid in Metamorphoses book 10, line 586
also writes: "audentes deus ipse iuvat" (The Gods favour the bold)
Livy (Titus Livius 59BC - 17AD) in "Ab Urbe Condita" book 8 chapter 29 section 5, writes:
"sed eventus docuit, fortes fortunam iuvare" (...the result showed, Fortune favours the brave)
Seneca (Lucius Annaeus Seneca, 4BC - 65AD) in Medea, line 159,
also quoted as:
"audaces Fortuna juvat timidosque repellit" (Fortune helps the bold and repels the coward)
Pliny the Younger (Gaius Caecillus Cilo, later Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus, 61AD - 113AD) and his uncle
Pliny the Elder (Gaius Plinius Secundus 23AD - 79AD) each witnessed the eruption of Vesuvius in August 79AD.
Pliny the Younger writing after the event to historian Tacitus (part 6, letter 16, lines 11-12) reports that his
uncle Pliny the Elder had commanded his ships to sail closer to burning Pompeii (intending to rescue citizens
trapped in their villas below Vesuvius on the east edge of the Bay of Naples), an action that led to his own death.
Having hesitated about whether he should turn back he said to the helmsman, who was advising that he do so:
"fortes, inquit, Fortuna iuvat: Pomponianum pete" (they say Fortune favours the brave: head for Pomponianus).
if you can improve these quotations, please Contact us
| |
1. Geoffrey CHAUCER c1385 in "Troilus & Criseyde" (book 4, lines 600-602) :
"Thenk ek Fortune, as wel thiselven woost,
Helpeth hardy man unto his enprise,
And weyveth wrecches for hire cowardise."
"The Riverside Chaucer" 1987 (3rd edition, Oxford University Press 2008, p.546)
clearer English:
"Think eke Fortune, as well thyself wost,
Helpeth the hardy man to his enprise,
And weiveth wretches for their cowardice."
modern English:
"Think also, Fortune, as you well know,
helps the bold man in his enterprise,
and forsakes wretches for their cowardice."
2. Otto van VEEN (Otto Venius, Octavius Vænius) 1556-1629
"Amorum emblemata, figuris æneis incisa" Antwerp 1608, p.106, emblem 54
Emblems of love, with verses in Latin, English and Italian
emblem 54 - Audaces Fortuna iuvat
"Pellenti inuidiam sors auxiliatur Amori:
Audenti rerum nam alea fausta cadit.
Quòd si deficiant vires, audacia certè
Laus erit, in magnis & voluisse sat est.
Audendum est fortes adiuvat ipsa Venus."
Fortune aydeth the audatious.
"Fortune the lover aydes in combat hee is in,
When valiantly he fights with envy and with shame,
And shewes hee not deserves a coward lovers name,
Faint lovers merit not faire ladies for to winne."
Gli audaci la fortuna aiuta.
"Gl' arditi la fortuna favorisce,
E più l' Amor, che intrepido combbate,
La vergogna, e l' Invidia Amor' abbatte:
Vu codardo amator mai non gioisce.'
3. John MARSTON in his 1601 play "Antonio and Mellida"
(scene 2, line 29) has the character Andrugio echo Senica, saying:
"Fortune fears valour, presseth cowardice"
4. Samuel BUTLER in "Hudibras: a poem in three parts, written in the time
of the late wars", a mock heroic narrative poem published in three parts
(1663, 1664 & 1678) as a satire on roundheads, puritans, Presbyterians
and other factions of the English Civil War, writes (part 1, lines 395-396):
"Fortune th' audacious doth juvare (juvat = help),
But lets the timidous miscarry"
5. Friedrich SCHILLER in his play "Wilhelm Tell" (act 1, scene 2, line 132)
1803/4 uses a similar proverb, Gertrude saying to Stauffacher:
"Dem muthigen hilft Gott!" (God himself helps the brave!).
if you can improve these quotations, please Contact us
Fortuna, Roman goddess of chance, luck and fate,
dispenses abundance, prosperity, success, failure...
Roman Emperors often sought her favour by displaying her image on their coins.
gold aureus of Emperor Vespasian, 69-79AD, Rome
Laureate head of Vespasian, facing right.
The goddess Fortuna, facing left.
On the reverse stands Fortuna, at the helm of the ship of life, her right hand on the rudder to show how she steers our lives and fates. In her left arm she holds the cornucopia or "horn of plenty", a goat's horn used as a container, overflowing with produce or wealth and from which good things flow in abundance, representing her ability to bestow prosperity. |
At the foot of the Capitoline Hill in
ancient Rome was the temple of Fortuna.
image courtesy of Ann Raia © & www.vroma.org
Marble altar dedicated to Fortune.
The goddess is carved in relief, seated, in her left
arm a cornucopia, in her right hand a ship's rudder.
At Palazzo dei Conservatori, Capitoline Hill, Rome.
The Greek equivalent of goddess Fortuna is Tyche | |
The cornucopia of Fortuna or Fortune derives from the horns of Amalthea, the she-goat who suckled the infant Jupiter.
The festival of "Fors Fortuna" - the Solstitium, Summer Solstice or Midsummer Day, held on June 24th, was known for gambling and games of chance.
Charles II, Archduke of Austria (1540-1590) took for his device a figure of Fortune standing on a dolphin, this symbolising swiftness; Fortune is a popular theme in Renaissance art; she may have wings; she may be clothed or naked; she may carry a palm branch or sheaf of wheat; she may ride the wheel of fortune ("Rota Fortunæ"); she may walk; she may dance upon a sphere or rolling stone, symbolising instability and uncertainty; she is often at sea, wielding a billowing sail to catch the wind that blows our ship of life where it will, often towards a city on a distant shore; her eyes may be covered with a blindfold or by her own wind-blown hair.
"Fortune, good night, smile once more; turn thy wheel!" - King Lear, act 2, scene 2
"That goddess blind, that stands upon the rolling restless stone" - King Henry V, act 3, scene 6 |
click on image to enlarge
click on image to enlarge
click on image to enlarge
click on image to enlarge
Fortune on her sphere
"Nemesis" or "Good Fortune"
engraving c1502
by Albrecht Dürer
Winged Fortune stands upon a sphere or rolling stone; with her left hand she holds a sail to catch the wind, in her right she holds a covered cup; below her is a city, beyond is the sea.
© Staatliche Kunsthalle,
Karlsruhe, Germany
Fortune on a scallop shell
Wood-cut print c1526 by
Hans Holbein the Younger 1497-1543
Design for a dagger sheath,
printed from two wood blocks, these
perhaps cut by Hans Lutzelburger.
Fortune wearing armour, at sea, stands unsteadily on scallop shell;
with both hands she holds a billowing sail, on which is a fleur-de-lys.
British Museum, London
Ms. 1895 0122.841-2
© Trustees of The British Museum |
Fortune and the Moon
"Fortuna et Luna"
engraving published 1635
by George Withner (1588-1667)
"A Collection of Emblemes, Ancient & Moderne" 1635 - emblem 40, book 3
"Uncertaine, Fortunes Favours, bee,
And, as the Moone, so changeth Shee."
Fortune stands on a winged sphere, her hair blown by the wind; her right hand holds a sail to catch the wind, her left the crescent moon; behind
her is a ship at sea, beyond is a city and mountains on a distant shore. |
Fortune on dolphin & sphere
"L'ymage de Fortune"
(Image of Fortune)
from: "L'Hecatongraphie", Paris,
1st ed. 1540, a book of emblems by Paris bookseller Gilles Corrozet (1510-68) emblem 41, folio 7 verso
Fortune at sea stands unsteadily, left foot resting on her sphere, right foot on a swimming dolphin;
her left hand holds a sail, to catch wind blown from above by a cherub;
her right hand holds a broken staff or ship's mast; beyond are a city and mountains on a distant shore. |
click on image to enlarge
Fortune at harbour
"The Goddess Fortuna" 1541
Engraving by Hans Sebald Beham (1500-1550)
copyright © Rijksmuseum, Netherlands
I[ohannes] S[ebald] B[eham]
winged Fortune has climbed the steps of
a harbour quay and walks by a stone sphere;
in her right hand a palm branch, in her left
the wheel of fortune or "Rota Fortunæ"
on which sits a man with open hand, reaching for her. In background is the sea, a sailing ship
with wind in its sails, and a distant city. |
Fortune riding her wheel
"Winged Personification of Fortune on a Wheel"
c1550, Florentine School, oil on panel.
copyright © - sold by Sothebys June 2013
winged Fortune balances unsteadily,
astride the wheel of Fortune ("Rota Fortunæ")
Fortune dancing on a sphere
"Fortuna" by
Jean Francois Armand Felix Bernard (1829-1894)
oil on canvas
copyright © - private collection
butterfly-winged Fortune dances on a rotating sphere or rolling stone, her right hand dispensing luck, good and bad; in her left arm is a cornucopia from which gold coins fall...


image courtesy of Audaces Fortuna Juvat playlist by Ogun
Fortune riding side-saddle on a lion
Allegory of Fortune on a bronze plaquette
attributed to the circle of
Giovanni Francesco Enzola (active c1460-1513)
of Parma, hence called Parmigiano
Fortune, seated on a lion, holding in her left
arm a cornucopia and in her left hand a sheaf
of wheat; her right hand grasps a billowing sail.
Incised inscription: AVDACES FORTVNA IVVAT
"a fine contemporary cast", 45x44 mm, pierced
(Bange 604; Molinier 609)
sold at auction by Morton & Eden Ltd
at Sotheby's London, 11-Jun-2008.
"Renaissance and later medals and plaquettes
from the collection of Dr Charles Avery", lot 375 |
Fortune on a dolphin
Allegory of Fortune adopted as a personal device
by Charles II, Archduke of Austria (1540-1590)
Fortune at sea with wind-blown hair stands blindfolded upon a dolphin that carries her;
with both hands she holds a billowing sail to catch the wind.
from "Historic Devices, Badges and War-cries"
by Mrs Bury Palliser, London 1870, p.34 Fig.27 |
Fortune on two dolphins
Fortune at sea stands upon two dolphins,
who carry her; her wind-blown hair covers
her eyes and with both hands she holds a billowing sail, into which the wind blows,
driving her towards a city,
with hills behind, on a distant shore.
"Fortes Fortuna Juvat" as Motto of the BLENNERHASSETT family...
"Confirmation of Arms" dated 13-Mar-1808, confirming to Rowland Blennerhassett of Blennerville
(b.c1740/1 d.1821) the right to bear his ancestral coat-of-arms and crest
This is the earliest known use of "Fortes Fortuna Juvat" as motto for the Blennerhassett family.
In the following year, on 22-Sep-1809, Rowland Blennerhassett was created a Baronet of the United Kingdom, as:
Baronet Blennerhassett of Blennerville, in Co.Kerry, Ireland
If you know of the motto being used for Blennerhassett at an earlier date, please Contact Us |
click on image to enlarge

To all and singular whom these presents shall come Sir Chichester Fortescue
Kn[igh]t Ulster King of Arms and principal Herald of all Ireland sendeth Greeting.
Whereas Rowland Blennerhassett of Blennerville in the County of Kerry Esquire has
made application to me to exemplify and confirm to him the said Rowland Blennerhassett
certain Armorial bearings which appeareth to have been used by him and his ancestors.
Know ye therefore that I the said Ulster by virtue of the power and Authority
to me given Do by these presents Ratify and Confirm unto the said Rowland
Blennerhassett the Arms following, Viz
Gules a Chevron ermine between three Dolphins naiant embowed Argent
for Crest a Wolf sejant Proper
And for Motto Fortes Fortuna Juvat
The whole as above more clearly depicted to be borne and used by him the
said Rowland Blennerhassett and his Descendants for ever according to the
Laws of Arms.
In Witness whereof I hereunto subscribe my Name and Title and affix the
Seal of my Office this thirteenth day of March one thousand eight hundred and eight.
Chichester Fortescue Ulster
King of Arms of All Ireland
(A true Copy)
* Theob[al]d R[ichar]d O'Flaherty, Reg[istra]r &c
* Theobald Richard O'Flaherty, Attorney-at-law; Clerk in the Parliament Office;
Deputy Keeper of the Parliamentary Records of Ireland at Dublin Castle
"Copy of a confirmation of Arms to Rowland Blennerhassett of Blennerville, Co.Kerry, March 13, 1808"
[GO Ms.105 p.53] [HAYES p.249] copyright © Genealogical Office, Dublin (National Library of Ireland).
illustrated in "Blennerville: Gateway to Tralee's Past"
by Liam Kelly, Geraldine Lucid & Maria O'Sullivan, p.43
pub. by Foras Aiseanna Saothair, Tralee, Co.Kerry 1989 and The Blennerville Windmill Company Ltd, Tralee, Co.Kerry
| |
...and used as their Motto by others
"Ex Libris"
click on image to enlarge
click on image to enlarge
book-plate design of 1513
by Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528)
A slightly coloured pen-drawing of a winged cauldron standing on goose-feet, out of which cauldron rises a lion passant on a crown.
Dürer designed several book-plates
for literary friends.
Berlin Kupferstichkabinett, KdZ. 1269 copyright © Berlin Kupferstichkabinett |
book-plate of 1537
bust of Henrich Vogtherr der Ältere
Audentes Fortuna Iuuat.
copyright © German National Museum, Nürnberg |
copyright © BJ - click on image to enlarge
click on image to enlarge
click on image to enlarge
click on image to enlarge
book-plate of
Rowland Ponsonby Blennerhassett
Q.C, J.P., M.P.
b.22-Jul-1850 Kells d.7-Apr-1913
Designer of sub-tropical gardens at Kells Lodge, Co.Kerry, Ireland
Blennerhassett arms, crest & motto
Book-plate pasted into R.P.B.'s personal copy of "A Popular History of British Ferns"
published Thomas Moore, Routledge,
Warne & Routledge, London 1859 |
book-plate of Rev David Dickson D.D.
(1780-1842) Theologian & Minister
of St Cuthbert's, Edinburgh 1803-42
crest of Dickson family;
DD monogram inside a garter displays the Dickson family motto FORTES FORTUNA JUVAT
St Cuthberts. No
Book-plate pasted into a 1774 edition of
James Cant's "The Muses Threnodie: or Mirthful Mournings on the Death of Mr Gall"
by Henry Adamson (c1581-1639) |
book-plate of Sir John Poynder Dickson-Poynder c1900
extravagant achievement of arms
book-plate of Frederick B. Turnbull
by printer H A W 1914.
Library interior with bookshelves, microscope, refractor telescope, open book & reading glasses;
window glass with steamship at sea,
glass roundel has masonic square and compass.
Ex Libris Fredk B Turnbull
H A W 1914 |
click on image to enlarge
click on image to enlarge
click on image to enlarge
click on image to enlarge
Four book-plates of Alexander
Horsburgh Turnbull (1868-1918), the |
renowned book collector (Wellington,
New Zealand and London)
book-plate of 1891 by Walter Crane (1845-1915), illustrating the
"turn bull" family name origin legend
This is the earliest Alexander Horsburgh Turnbull book-plate |
book-plate of c1909
by David Henry Souter
Alexr Turnbull
Netherlands - silver medallion 1572
commemorating the 2nd expedition of
William I, Prince of Orange & Count of Nassau
a.k.a. "William the Silent"
49mm diameter
Bust of William of Orange-Nassau,
in armour
reverse: a tree
Bust of Queen Anne 1702-1714 (b.1665 d.1714).
ANNA . D . G . MAG . BR . FR . ET . HIB . REGINA
below: I . BOSKAM . F . |
UK - silver medallion 1705
honouring the Duke of Marlborough
"The trenches and palisades of the enemy
forced in Brabant and Flanders, 1695"
by J. Boskam, Berlin, 1705
43mm diameter
NOTE: this date uses 'old style' Roman numerals:
CIƆ = M = 1000, IƆ = D = 500, CC= 200, V = 5 |

Duke of Marlborough, on horseback, commanding an attack on French lines; city of Namur in distance.

illustration from "Lodge's Peerage" 1837, p.66

Dickson (Scotland)
livery uniform brass button
Dickson arms, crest & motto
"Fortes Fortuna Juvat"
(also motto of Dixon, Dickson-Poynder, Dyxson) |
Charles James Blomfield, D.D.
Bishop of Chester 1824
Bishop of London 1828-1856
"Fortes Fortuna Juvat" |
Lord Bloomfield (Baron, Peerage of Ireland)
of Oakhampton and Redwood, Co.Tipperary
"Fortes Fortuna Juvat"
illustration from "Burke's Peerage" 1938, p.2453
click on image to view website
Turing (Baronet)
"Audentes Fortuna Juvat"
family of WWII Enigma code breaker Alan Turing |
Cornieljeb Switzerland
"Audentes Fortuna Juvat"
fine woodcarving in lime-wood
copyright © Patrick Damiaens |
Clan MacKinnon (Scotland)
"Audentes Fortuna Juvat"
silver brooch pin
Birmingham 1946 |
image courtesy of Turnbull Clan Association
click on image to visit their website
image courtesy of: oldrunningfox.blogspot.com
Clan Turnbull (Scotland)
"Audaci Favet Fortuna"
(motto also used by Trumbull College, Yale University)
also: Audacior Favente Fortuna
NOTE: There are Blennerhassett - Turnbull family connections on pp. BSP 01-02 & pp. K 25-26 |
Ramsden (Baronet)
arms of Ramsden in stone on the 1897 Jubilee Tower
at Castle Hill, Huddersfield, Nottinghamshire
"Audaces Fortuna Juvat"
(motto also used by Ramsden Primary School, Worksop) |
Costello (Ireland)
"Audaces Fortuna Juvat" |
illustration from "Burkes Peerage" 4th ed. 1833 v2 p33
of Scotland and of Trewithian, Cornwall
"Fortuna Audaces Juvat"
Cregoe crest on George III silver dish
King (Baronet) 6 November 1821
Sir Abraham Bradley King of Dublin city
1st Baronet of Corrard, Co.Fermanagh
"Audaces Fortuna Juvat"
NOTE: Sir Abraham King's daughter Sarah "Sally" King
(b.c1811/12 Ireland, d.1870 West Derby, Liverpool)
m. (Arthur) Goddard Blennerhassett (b.c1802 d.1833)
and had four children (p. K 24) |
(Ó Flaithbertaigh, Ó Flaithearta)
"Fortuna Favet Fortibus"
arms of Clevland in stained glass window
(for Archibald Clevland 1833-1854) at Westleigh Church

illustration from "Debrett's Perage of England" 1840 p328
Clevland of Tapeley Park, Westleigh, Devon
"Fortuna Audaces Juvat"
Commodore William Clevland 1664-1734 of the Scottish clan "Cleland of that Ilk" settled at Tapeley Park. In the 1730s his son William Clevland (Cleeveland) was in a slave-ship wrecked on the Banana Islands, off the coast of Sierra Leone. He became self-appointed King of the Banana Islands, succeeded as ruler there by his sons John & James. |
King (Baronet) 25 July 1815
Sir Gilbert King
1st Baronet of Charles Town, Co.Roscommon
"Audaces Fortuna Juvat" |
Baldassare Mangiaracina
b. 1844 Castelvetrano, Trapini, Sicily, Italy
(I.H.R. IT2011M1844)
"Fortes Fortuna Adiuvat"
"Audaces Fortuna Juvat"
"Audaces Fortuna Juvat"
Foster (Baronet of Ireland)
"Audaces Fortuna Juvat"
from Burke's Peerage vol. 1 1833
Lord Abinger (Baron)
"Fortes Fortuna Juvat"
for him only rendered as
"Fortune favours the shameless"
"Fortes Fortuna Adjuvat"
"Fortes Fortuna Juvat"
"Fortes Fortuna Juvat"
- Cronin, Doller, Goodwyn,
- Troyte, Wylie
"Fortes Fortuna Adjuvat"
- Gunnels
"Fortuna Audaces Juvat"
- Barron, Googe
"Audaci Fortuna Favet"
- Channer (Surrey) |
"Audaces Fortuna Juvat"
- Barron, Bourke, Bowen (Baronet)
- Burroughs of Castle Bagshaw, Co.Cavan
- Campbell
- Chamberlayne, Columbine,
- Cosby of Stradbally, Davenport of Brammel
- Foster/Forster (Tullaghan, Co.Monaghan)
- Moore, Pendleton, Roney, Twing
- Sir George Roberts (1st & last Baronet) |
"Audentes Fortuna Juvat"
- Mowbray/Moubray, Trimnell
"Fortuna Juvat" (Fortune Favours)
- James Child McAndrew, Guildford & Devon
illustrations of arms are requested... |

Liverpool John Moores University
Liverpool, UK
"Audentes Fortuna Juvat"
achievement of arms
copyright © Liverpool John Moores University |
Trumbull College (established 1933)
Residential College at Yale University
New Haven, Connecticut, USA
"Fortuna favet audaci"
(adopted from Turnbull family motto) |
Ramsden Primary School
Worksop, Nottinghamshire, UK
"Audaces Fortuna Juvat"
(adopted from Ramsden family motto) |

USA - Fire Department of New York
FDNY Firehouse Squad 288
formed 1998
"Fortuna Favet Fortibus" patch
Squad 288 lost eight crew members at
the New York World Trade Centre on 9/11
USA - Houston, Texas, Fire Department
Houston Fire - EMS - Rescue
(EMS = Emergency Medical Services)
"Fortes Fortuna Adiuvat"
patch |
click on image to see reverse
"Audaces Fortuna Juvat"
what is this...
US Military challenge coin? Basketball Team?
Linfield Football Club "The Blues"
(formerly Linfield Football & Athletic Club).
Semi-professional football club at Belfast, Northern Ireland, founded 1886.
"Audaces Fortuna Juvat" |
is H.F.C. a football club?
"Fortes Fortuna Iuvat" patch |
19th century jeton or gaming token in brass
(21mm diameter)
(click on image to see these in quantity...)
jeton or gaming token in copper?
or perhaps
18th Century British halfpenny trade token?
arms of the city of Paris with crown as crest;
motto on scroll:
"tossed but not sunk"
reverse: laurel wreath
jeton or gaming token
German or Austrian Eagle
Fortuna, goddess of luck, fate or fortune, dances on a rotating sphere, holding in her hands a sail.
below: * * V E A T H * * (?) indistinct 
reverse: achievement of arms, nine quarterings
"Fortune Favours the Brave:
The Battle of the Hook, Korea 1952-53"
by Arthur J. Barker
Leo Cooper Ltd - hardcover 1974
New English Library Ltd - paperback 1976
Pen & Sword Books Ltd - paperback 2002, 2009
"Fortune Favors the Bold:
What we must do to build a
new and lasting global prosperity"
by Lester C. Thurow 2005
"Fortune Favors the Brave"
The Story of First Force Recon (Special warfare).
by Bruce F. Myers
hardcover 2000, paperback 2004 |
"Fortes Fortuna Adiuvat"
Den Mutigen hilft das Glück
a novel by Jennifer Wolf - published by impress |
"Fortune Favors the Bold:
365 Inspirational Qotes for Entrepreneurs"
by Jack Burkhart 2010 |
beer bottle 'crown' tops
founded in Poland 1889
Markerstudy Group of Companies
UK Insurance Business - group emblem
founded 4-May-2001 [ IV . V . MMI ]
"Fortes Fortuna Juvat"
emblem © Markerstudy Group 2015 |
Outdoor Clothing Supplier, San Francisco, USA
"Audaces Fortuna Iuvat"
velcro patch (TAD logo)
copyright © Triple Aught Design

click on image to enlarge
click on image to enlarge
Lew & Huey pilot wrist watch "Phantom A Khaki"
watch back decorated with a skull wearing
pilot's helmet, the helmet decorated with
a McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II
fighter-bomber dropping bombs, above
skeleton of a dog with jaws open.
"Fortes Fortuna Juvat" |
Spartan tatto by James Camilleri
Digital Designer, Balaclava, Australia
© James Camilleri 2007
"Fortes Fortuna Adiuvat"
"Fortitudo et Honoris"
(strength and honour) |
modern coat-of-arms (unknown origin)
who or what do these arms represent?
"Fortes Fortuna Adjuvat"

Airsoft Team - Kohorte Munich
"Fortes Fortuna Adiuvat"
Alexa Black, Canada
image © Alexa Black
"Fortes Fortuna Adiuvat"
Firehouse 20
(established 1975) logo on T-shirt
image © Firehouse 20
"Fortes Fortuna Adiuvat"
click on image to enlarge
Interstellar Tactics Group
image © pegasusinterstellar.net
"Audentes Fortuna Iuvat"
"We make our fortunes and we call them fate"
"Fortune favors The Bold" |
Art of Manliness (AOM)
logo on T-shirt
image © "Art of Manliness"
"Fortes Fortuna Adiuvat" |
"Fortune Favours the Brave" |
(established 2003) - logo on T-shirt
image © musedesign.com
"Fortes Fortuna Adiuvat" |
If you can improve any of the


click on image for further detail
New Zealand Regular Force Cadets
"Fortes Fortuna Juvat"
cap badge, brass |
Wellington East Coast Mounted Rifles Regt.
(9th East Coast Squadron) New Zealand
"Fortes Fortuna Juvat"
cap badge, brass |
Jydske Dragonregiment (Jutland Dragoon Regt)
Danish Army
"Fortes Fortuna Juvat" cap badge, brass
blue lion and red hearts are symbols of Jutland;
monogram C5 represents King Christian 5th who ordered the formation of the 3rd Dragoon Regt. |
click on image to enlarge
winged "wheel of fortune"
"Audaces Fortuna Juvat"
brass or alloy cap badge
what nationality is this? what unit? |
"Allied Rapid Reaction Corps" (ARRC).
N.A.T.O. multi-national
High Readiness Force (Land) HQ formed 1992
"Audentis Fortuna Iuvat"
patch |
Sri Lanka Navy
"Special Boat Squadron" (SBS)
"Fortune Favours the Brave"
"bat-wings" cap badge |
US Army 334th Infantry Regiment
"Fortes Fortuna Juvat"
blue enamelled brass pin |
US Army Infantry - Fort Benning, Georgia.
"Home of the Infantry"
Basic Combat Training (BCT) for new recruits.
Gates at Honor Hill
"Fortes Fortuna Juvat" |
East Fortune Airfield, near Edinburgh
(a.k.a. East Fortune Aerodrome)
operational 1915 -1946
Entrance sign with station motto:
"Fortune Favours the Bold" |
Hellenic Airforce Academy
81st Pilot Class
"Fortes Fortuna Iuvat"
patch made by Kentorama |
Czech Republic
Czech Air Force 212th Tactical Squadron
"Fortes Fortuna Adiuvat"
patch |
Portugal - Portugese Commandilos
(elite forces of the Portuguese army)
"Audaces Fortuna Juvat"
enamel pin |
Poland - Polish Special Forces
Jednostka Wojskowa Komandosów (JWK)
activated 1961, based at Lubiniec, Poland
motto "Fortune Favours the Bold"
as part of Task Force 50 in Afghanistan |
Belgium - Belgian Armed Forces
10e Wing tactique (10th Tactical Wing)
activated 1951
based at Kleine Brogel Air Base, Peer, Belgium
"Fortuna favet fortibus" patch |
Belgium - BNS Leopold I (F930)
Karel Doorman class frigate, Royal Belgium Navy
purchased 2005 from the Royal Netherlands Navy
(commissioned 1991 as HNLMS "Karel Doorman")
"Audaces Fortuna Juvat" |
US Marine Corps
3rd Marines Regiment (Infantry) - 3 Battalions
active 1914, 1916-1922, 1942-present
(Marine Corps Base, Hawaii)
"Fortes Fortuna Juvat" patch |
US Marine Corps
1st Battalion, 3rd Marines (1/3)
known as "Lava Dogs" : active 1942-present
(Marine Corps Base, Hawaii)
"Fortes Fortuna Juvat" patch |
US Marine Corps
1st Battalion, 3rd Marines (1/3)
known as "Lava Dogs" : active 1942-present
error patch with incorrect spelling:
"Foates Fortuna Jovat" |
US Marine Corps
2nd Battalion, 3rd Marines (2/3)
known as "Island Warriors"
active 1942-1945, 1951-present
(Marine Corps Base, Hawaii)
"Fortes Fortuna Juvat" patch |
US Marine Corps
3rd Battalion, 3rd Marines (3/3)
known as "Trinity" or "America's Battalion"
active 1942-1945, 1951-1974, 1975-present
(Marine Corps Base, Hawaii)
"Fortes Fortuna Juvat" patch |
US Marines Corps
3rd Battalion, 8th Marines (3/8) (Infantry)
activated 1940 (Camp Lejeune, North Carolina)
"Fortuna Favet Fortibus" patch |
motto appears on the USCG Academy 1982 class ring.
image requested
US Naval Academy
Alumni Association - class of 1985
"Fortuna Favet Fortibus" |
US Naval Academy
Alumni Association - class of 2012
"Fortibus Fortuna Favet" |
US Coast Guard Academy
Alumni - class of 1982
"Fortis Fortuna Juvat" |
click on image to see reverse
US Navy "Operation Vigilant Mariner" (OVM)
Task Force 68 2004-2005
"Fortes Fortuna Juvat"
challenge coin |
US Navy Carrier Air Wing 14 (CVW-14)
"Fortuna Favet Fortibus"
flight jacket leather patch |
US Navy, USS Salisbury Sound (AV-13)
Currituck class seaplane tender
commissioned 1945 - decommissioned 1967
"Fortes Fortuna Juvat"
patch |
US Navy, USS La Jolla (SSN-701)
Los Angeles class submarine
commissioned 1981 - decommissioned 2017
"Fortes Fortuna Juvat"
patch |
US Navy, USS Sampson (DDG-10)
Charles F. Adams class guided missile destroyer
commissioned 1961 - decommissioned 1991
"Fortes Fortuna Juvat"
patch |
US Navy, USS Patriot (MCM-7)
Avenger class mine countermeasures ship
commissioned 1991
"Audentes Fortuna Juvat"
US Navy, USS Nicholson (DD-982)
Spruance class destroyer
commissioned 1979 - decommissioned 2002
"Fortes Fortuna Adiuvat" |
USNS Carl Brashear (T-AKE-7)
Lewis and Clark class dry cargo ship
delivered 2009
"Audentes Fortuna Iuvat" |


US Navy, USS Montpelier (SSN-765)
"Mighty Monty"
Los Angeles class attack submarine
commissioned 1993
"Audaces Fortuna Juvat"
patch |
US Navy, USS Cobbler (SS-344)
Balao class submarine
commissioned 1945 - decommissioned 1973
"Audentes Fortuna Juvat"
patch |
US Navy, USS Florida (SSGN-728)
Ohio class cruise-missile submarine
commissioned 1983
motto adopted after conversion from SSBN to SSGN with Tomahawk missile launch capability.
"Fortes Fortuna Adivat" patch |
US Navy USS Cutlass (SS-478)
Tench class submarine - US Atlantic Fleet
commissioned 1945 - decommissioned 1973
"Fortuna Favet Fortibus"
envelope |
US Navy USS John R. Perry (DE-1034)
Claud Jones class destroyer escort
commissioned 1959 - decommissioned 1973
"Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat"
(crew not permanently attached to a named
ship but who instead rotate between ships)
"Audentes Fortuna Iuvat"
US Air Force 391st Bold Tigers (391-FS)
"Audentes Fortuna Iuvat"
patch |
US Air Force
366th Tactical Fighter Wing (366-TFW)
"Audentes Fortuna Juvat"
Vietnam era patch (subdued coloring) |
NTM N.A.T.O. Tiger Meet patch
Aerospace Expeditionary Force (AEF) 5/6
Bold Tiger Taliban Hunting Club
"Audentes Fortuna Adiuvat"

US Air Force 80th Fighter Squadron, "Juvats"
stationed at Kunsan Air Base, South Korea
formed 1942, nicknamed "HEADHUNTERS",
also (from 1971) "JUVATS".
part of 8th Operations Group, 8th Fighter Wing
"Audentes Fortuna Juvat" patch |
US Air Force 80th Fighter Squadron, "Juvats"
Pursuit Fighter Fighter-Bomber Tactical-Fighter
P-38 F-86 F-4 F-16
"Audentes Fortuna Juvat"
"Fortune Favors the Bold"
memorial wall plaque 1996
US Air Force 80th Fighter Squadron, "Juvats"
"Fortuna Audentes"
(motto rearranged...)
US Air Force 80th Fighter Squadron, "Juvats"
Juvat Viper
US Air Force 80th Aircraft Maintenance Unit
"God created Juvat maintainers
So that pilots can have heroes too"
patch |
US Air Force 80th Aircraft Maintenance Unit
"Audentes Fortuna Juvat"
US Air Force
655th Air Expeditionary Squadron (655-AES)
Operation Enduring Freedom, Afghanistan
(OEF-A) 2001-2004
at forward Operating Base Sharana 2009
"Fortes Fortuna Adjuvat"
(655th is sometimes "Fortes Fortuna Adiuvat")
US Air Force, 359th Fighter Group, formed 1942,
from 1943 part of 8th Air Force stationed in UK.
123rd Fighter Group 1946.
123rd Fighter-Interceptor Group 1952.
123rd Fighter-Bomber Group 1953.
"Fortes Fortuna Juvat" patch
US Air Force, 123rd Airlift Wing
(123rd Tactical Reconnaissance Wing)
Kentucky Air National Guard
"Fortune Assists the Brave"
USA - GRUMMAN X-29A - first flight 1984
Forward Wing Experimental Aircraft
"Audaces Fortuna Juvat"
patch |
US 1st Battalion 135th Aviation Regiment
First Attack Team
"Audaces Fortuna Juvat"
patch |
US Aviation Air Sea Control Squadron 33 (VS-33)
"Fortes Fortuna Juvat"

click on image for clearer view

"Fortes Fortune Juvat"
what nationality is this? what unit?
US Air Force Air Combat Command
366th Fighter Wing (366-FW)
"Audentes Fortuna Juvat" |
US NROL-67 Atlas V (AV-045)
Satellite Launch (launched from CCAFS 2014).
Launch patch features the launch vehicle with a black dragon set against clouds and a full moon.
"Forest Fortuna Adiuvat" is a mistaken spelling
of the latin proverb "Fortes Fortuna Adiuvat"
Virtutis Fortuna Comes
"Fortune the companion of Virtue"
"Fortune the companion of Valour"
"Fortune the companion of Courage"
motto of the family of Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington,
also closely related families Colley and Pomeroy.
this was by the army translated: "Fortune Favours the Brave"
and thus became the motto of:
33rd Regiment of Foot (The Duke of Wellington's Regiment)
The Duke of Wellington's Regiment (The West Riding)
12th Australian Light Horse Regiment
The Wellington Regiment, New Zealand Expeditionary Force |
emblem of Fortune
engraving published 1635
by George Withner (1588-1667)
in "A Collection of Emblemes, Ancient & Moderne" 1635 - emblem 26, book 2
The caduceus (symbol of Mercury or Hermes, messenger of the gods, featuring two snakes entwined around a winged staff) stands upright between the two horns of Amalthea (a she-goat who suckled the infant Jupiter). Her horns each became cornucopia or "horn of plenty". In background is the sea, with people & city visible on a distant shore. |
illustration from "Lodge's Peerage" 1837, p.33
illustration from "Lodge's Peerage" 1837, p.239
Trench, Lord Ashtown
(Baron, Peerage of Ireland)
of Moate, Co.Galway (created 1800)
"Virtutis Fortuna Comes" |
achievement of arms for
Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington
arms surrounded by emblem of the
Order of the Garter, i.e. a garter carrying
the royal motto in Middle French:
“May he be shamed who thinks badly of it"
(Shame on him who suspects illicit motivation) |
Viscount Harberton & Baron Harberton
of Castle Carbery, Co.Kildare
"Virtutis Fortuna Comes" | |
7th Battalion
The Duke of Wellington's
Regiment (The West Riding)
Old Comrades Association
Lapel Badge, brass enamel
"Virtutis Fortuna Comes"
The Duke of Wellington's
Regiment (The West Riding)
cap badge, brass 1898
"Virtutis Fortuna Comes"
The Duke of Wellington's Regiment
(The West Riding)
cap badge, brass
Yorkshire Regiment (YORKS).
British Army infantry regiment,
created in 2006 by amalgamation
of three historic regiments
(14/15th, 19th & 33/76th Foot)
"Fortune Favours the Brave" | |

Horseshoe pin incorporating badge of the Duke of Wellington's Regt.
(The West Riding), used
following merger of 33rd & 76th Regiments in 1881.
Wellesley crest
(demi-lion holding pennant of St George) and the motto
"Virtutis Fortuna Comes"
are from the 33rd Regt.;
elephant with howdah
are from the 76th Regt. |
Duke of Wellington's Regiment (The West Riding)
This was a line infantry regiment of the British Army, part of the King's Division.
In 1702 Colonel George Hastings, 8th Earl of Huntingdon, was authorised to raise a new regiment, which he did in and around the city of Gloucester. Huntingdon's Regiment, named for its Colonel, changed its title as each new Colonel was appointed, until in 1751 all British regiments were given numbers, Huntingdon's becoming 33rd Regiment of Foot.
In 1782 the regiment's title changed to the 33rd (or "First Yorkshire West Riding") Regiment, formalising an association with the West Riding that was already long established. The 1st Duke of Wellington died in 1852 and in the following year Queen Victoria, in recognition of the regiment's long ties to the Duke, ordered that the regiment's title be changed to the 33rd (or "The Duke of Wellington's") Regiment.
In 1881 the 33rd Regt. merged with the 76th Regt, initially named "Halifax Regiment (Duke of Wellington's)" then "The Duke of Wellington's (West RidingRegiment)". The combined regimental badge incorporated the Wellesley family crest (demi-lion holding pennant of St George) and Wellesley family motto ("Virtutis Fortuna Comes") from the 33rd; and an elephant carrying a howdah over the word "HINDOOSTAN" from the 76th. This was used until 1898 when the head-dress changed and a new badge designed.
"Virtutis Fortuna Comes" translates as "Fortune is the Companion of Courage" but the 33rd regiment expressed it in English as "Fortune Favours the Brave". That motto, with a badge displaying the Wellesley family crest (demi-lion holding pennant) and the white rose of York, was adopted for the The Yorkshire Regiment (14th/15th, 19th and 33rd/76th Foot). This was formed on 6 June 2006 by amalgamation of three historic regiments, The Prince of Wales's Own Regiment of Yorkshire (14th/15th Foot), The Green Howards (Alexandra, Princess of Wales's Own Yorkshire Regiment) (19th Foot), The Duke of Wellington's Regiment (West Riding) (33rd/76th Foot) and associated Army Reserve units. The Yorkshire Regiment (YORKS) has four Battalions. |
12th Australian Light Horse